June 24th : New Preview Alpha Ring 1907…

Starting at 2:00 p.m. PST today, members of the Xbox One Preview Beta Ring will begin receiving the latest 1907 Xbox One system update (Build: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_190718362.5039.190621-1520).     DETAILS: OS version released: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_190718362.5039.190621-1520 Available: 2:00PM…

June 24th : New Preview Beta & Delta…

Starting at 2:00 p.m. PST today, members of the Xbox One Preview Beta and Delta Rings will begin receiving the latest 1907 Xbox One system update (Build: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_190718362.5037.190619-1920). New Features: This update continues to lay…

The Stylish Man’s Guide To Airport Style

With its corporate coffee chains, screaming babies and soulless bars, the airport may seem like an unlikely style hotspot. Throw in a pinch of sleep deprivation, a sprinkling of old, pizza-stained loungewear, and what you…