/Detective Pikachu Star Doesnt Seem To Think A Second Movie Will Happen

Detective Pikachu Star Doesnt Seem To Think A Second Movie Will Happen

Detective Pika

We know filming of the second Sonic the Hedgehog movie is well underway, but what about the supposed follow-up to the 2019 film Detective Pikachu? A sequel was even rumoured before the first one had been released, so what’s going on?

According to Justice Smith, one of the lead stars of Detective Pikachu, it’s probably best fans don’t get their hopes up. During an interview with Inverse, Smith encouraged everyone to “bury” all hopes, as he doesn’t think it’s going to happen. Of course, if it does end up going ahead, he would “love” to participate. Here’s the full exchange:

Speaking of Detective Pikachu, it’s been a year since you were last asked about the possibility of Detective Pikachu 2. Do you think it’s still going to happen and would you still be willing to participate?

Justice Smith: I would love to participate in Detective Pikachu 2. I don’t know if it’s going to happen. I think we have to just kind of bury our hopes. I don’t think it’s going to happen. I really hope so though. Honestly, I’m such a huge fan, who knows, who knows? I hope so.

Although Pikachu’s movie debut was a box office success, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie had no issues outpacing it. There have also been rumours about more live-action pocket monster movies, so perhaps Legendary is just moving on from Pikachu.

Would you like to see a follow-up of sorts to the Detective Pikachu movie, if it was somehow possible? Yes, we know how it ended. Or should Legendary work on some other Pokémon movies? Have you even seen this movie yet? Leave a comment down below.