He’s urging everyone to “treat people with kindness.”
Harry Styles is the latest celebrity to join in relief efforts for COVID-19. The former One Direction singer has released a limited edition T-shirt to help raise money for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVID-19 Solidarity Fund, and to help spread key messages around staying home during this time.
The white T-shirt is emblazoned with the message “Stay home. Stay safe. Protect each other” on the front, and “This T-shirt fights COVID-19. Treat People With Kindness,” on the back.

In a statement talking about why he designed the shirt, Styles said, “In times like these, it is more important than ever to remember the power of people. If you are able to help, please donate where you can. 100% of the profits of this T-shirt will go towards fighting COVID-19. Stay home, self-isolate, and protect each other. TPWK.” The acronym at the end of the message stands for “treat people with kindness.”
The news follows today’s announcement that Lady Gaga has teamed up with WHO to hold a virtual concert featuring some of the world’s biggest stars (including Lizzo and Billie Eilish) to raise money for COVID-19 relief.
Harry Styles’ T-shirt is available for purchase through his website for CAD$36.
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