Update: A very recent update stated that Byleth is available right now, although as you may have found out for yourselves we’re still waiting for the fighter to drop. In our excitement, we pushed a button early – our apologies! We’ll be sure to update again when the fighter is actually available.
If all goes according to plan (and it’s worth noting that it might not), then Byleth should be launching today (January 28th at 6PM PDT) in North America and tomorrow (January 29th at 3AM CEST) in Europe. Pre-orders for the Fighters Pass Vol.2 should also be going live at the same time.
Original Story [Thu 16th Jan, 2020 14:07 GMT] Byleth from Fire Emblem: Three Houses has been confirmed to be the next playable fighter coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
The announcement came during today’s livestream hosted by series director, Masahiro Sakurai, revealing that both the male and female versions of the character will star. They’ll be available to buy as Challenger Pack 5 (or receive if you already own the Fighters Pass) on 28th January.
Both the male and female versions received their own, iconic ‘challenger approaches’ style screen during the presentation:

It has also been confirmed that the game’s second Fighters Pass will contain another six new characters (this roster’s getting ridiculous) and a new wave of Mii Fighter outfits were revealed.
Did you expect another Fire Emblem character to be Fighter No. 5? Are you excited to check Byleth out for yourself in the game? Share your thoughts with us below.